Jefferson Township 2020 Santa Route with Live Santa Tracking

We are excited to announce that Santa has provided us with his route around Jefferson Township for our annual “Santa Comes to Town” tradition this evening. This posting should only be used as a guide as we will do our best to stick to the posted times. Actual updates will be posted to our Facebook page. Watch and listen for the decorated firetrucks as Santa enters your development.

We are also excited that we will also be able to broadcast Santa's current location, in Jefferson Township, on Google Maps. Parents should utilize the following links to track Santa around Jefferson Township. Please choose the correct link based on which route, listed above, will cover your area. Please note that during times of heavy use, our website may become unreachable. Our Facebook page will be kept up-to-date during the event.

**We do our best to hit as many areas as possible. It is impossible to cover every street. For safety reasons , we will not be stopping along any state roadways, unless designated.
Also due to current COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, Santa will not be getting of the truck this year for any group photos.



Utilize the following link to see Santa's exact location on the Grinch Route: CLICK HERE  

Utilize the following link to see Santa's exact location on the Reindeer Route: CLICK HERE