PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: These pictures taken by our firefighters while they operated at a structure fire today in The Hideout, Lake Township, Wayne County, shows proof that sleeping with your bedroom door closed, could save your life. Notice the difference in the charing of the hallway versus the unburned walls in the bedroom. First arriving crews arrived to find heavy fire engulfing the entire home. The home was a total loss.
Research has shown that a closed bedroom door can slow the spread of flames, decrease temperatures, reduce smoke inhalation, and improve oxygen levels in the room.
Just a few decades ago the average time it took to escape a home fire was about 17 minutes. Now it is three minutes or less. This is because of the synthetic furniture, more open floor plans in homes, and other flammable materials. Just closing your bedroom door at night can give you more time to get out the bedroom windows safely and call the fire department.
Research proves that a closed door during a fire, can mean the difference between 1,000 degrees temperatures and 100 degrees temperatures. Keep your bedroom door closed to keep the extra heat out! During a fire, a closed door can also keep carbon monoxide levels at 1,000 PPM verses 10,000 PPM when a door is left open.
CLOSE BEFORE YOU DOZE!! Statistics show that in 2019, every three hours and ten minute, someone dies in a house fire. Do your part and don’t become part of the statistics.